
Monday, March 15, 2010

11-52 Shifting Control

11-52 Shifting Control, originally uploaded by marcogol.

This shot was inspired by one of my Flickr Contacts, Paul.

And since this was basically this weeks trend in my walk in life, why not pay a tribute about it.

For the past months (probably this whole year) it has been nothing but a wild goose chase for my 'own' desires. And during these chase I've forgotten who I am and who I was designed to be.

I've mixed my own will and flexed my own muscles after these 'wants' and that lead me to compromise even the very standards that defined me of who I am as a follower of Christ.

It lead me to nothing but emptiness and being numb to the point that I begged for a feeling from none other but Him.

From there on then... I've relinquished control of my life and set aside my desires of my own.

Used to be the commander-in-chief of my pimp ship flying high.

Everything that I am is surrendered and control over this life is no longer mine. I decided right there and then that I'd trust Him more and let Him work on me for the betterment of me, and the people around me.

With that... here's my 11th entry of my Project 52 for 2010...
"Shifting Control"

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