
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Im so bad at this

Why cant courting and the whole love and relationship be just like what happens in the movies? Theres some chasing, and then dating, a little fighting here and there but it still ends up happily ever after (unless you watch a teeny psycho movie where kids can get strangled by a chordless phone). But why? this whole thing, im just so bad at this! on the reel, its seems as easy as 1-2-and 3, When i speak with someone about this, they tell me not to worry its easy... Why cant i see it that way? why why why!?!??!?!?

This has always been my prayer, every night, im patient, im trained to be patient :), but i just cant see why im not good at this whole thing? why cant i hit the right questions? or even the guts just to call her at home?!? why am i friggin worried about this whole thingamajiggy??? why?!!??

I'd love to know her more and more, i like to see what it is with her that she can handle this easily, that when everytime i see her it seems nothing, but then something tells me, theres more into it... well since thats how i am... and right now, as you can see, its happening.

But then again, i must be doing something wrong with myself... well for one, i should be pursuing #1, Jesus, first :(, but i still feel incomplete waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah....
but surprisingly, by the end of the day, Pursuing Jesus and his presence during prayers and going deep on His word suffices every feeling that i had throughout the day... His presence is still the number 1 reward :D

Just need to scream these stuff out...

Why isnt it like the movies? because movie stars ends up getting divorced thats why...
Thousand Miles na to! (*piano plays*)


jef said...

just stumbled around here...

The reason real life sucks more than the movie hmmmm...well, it's the real thing. At least you really don't need to pretend that you have read the script-you are actually living the script.

Though God should and must be our main goal to please, I don't believe He, with all His powers, will not understand the feeling of love bugs..

just thinking aloud!

Anonymous said...

maybe you are so in to the courting thing. kaibiganin mo muna and then thing will develop more easily.